Our Team

Claudia Puig

General manager

Lawyer with more than 16 years of experience graduated from Candido Mendes University, Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law from the same training institution and in Tax Law and Process from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET, in addition to being graduated from the Brazilian Institute of Executives of Finance – IBEF in Tax Planning. Claudia Puig worked for years at the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region (Rio de Janeiro); at the Secretariat and Office of the 3rd Civil Court of the Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro; at the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Today, he works as General Manager of BPA, leading our team of lawyers, controllers, partners and interns in search of excellence in customer service and with direct responsibility for consultancy and litigation in all areas of BPA’s activity.




Avenida Ator José Wilker nº 605, Bl. 01, Edifício Asia, Sl. 1128 a 1132, Cond. One World Offices, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22775-040

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