Our expertise is aimed at defending taxpayers before the Brazilian tax authorities [Receita Federal] and the competent tax authorities in the US, both administratively and judicially.
We assist our clients in recovering tax credits acquired during their operations and creating ways to improve their cash flows through smart choices in calculating taxes, debt installments, transactions and negotiations with the tax authorities.
In the administrative area, our expertise is directed to administrative procedures for the defense of taxpayers with the Brazilian tax authorities [Receita Federal] and the competent tax authorities in the US, as well as the offsetting taxes against each other.
We help our clients to recover tax credits acquired during their operations and to create cash flows through intelligent choices of installments, transactions and negotiations with public bodies.
We have the differential of associating tax knowledge with corporate practices through joint action with the corporate team, in structured strategic planning operations involving complex multidisciplinary demands.
Avenida Ator José Wilker nº 605, Bl. 01, Edifício Asia, Sl. 1128 a 1132, Cond. One World Offices, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22775-040
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